
CEOs can’t blog…really?

 July 10, 2011

By  Blaine Millet

Last week I had a very interesting conversation with the CEO of a medium sized business that I thought was so interesting I wanted to share it with all of you readers out there in “WOM land”.

It started off like a lot of conversations I have with top executives about social media – the “time suck” and “I can’t write” so it isn’t for me.  Sound familiar to anyone out there?  So I let him rant on for a while and after about 30 minutes he felt like he had convinced me he would be lousy at writing, specifically a blog.  I told him I agreed, he wasn’t a very good writer after everything he had said.

Then I started to ask him about some of the most “valuable” and “insightful” conversations he has had in the last few months with his customers, partners, and even some employees.  You guessed it, he couldn’t shut up – he just kept on going on and on about what they had talked about.  After about an hour I stopped him and said, “I told you about an hour ago you weren’t a very good writer, remember that?” He of course said yes and I continued.  But I wouldn’t agree that you aren’t a good “blogger” – and he was perplexed.

I went on to explain something that really struck a chord with him and he finally “got it” after all these meetings.  I told him what he had just shared with me over the past hour was “social media.”  Again, he was perplexed.  I said, “Social media is nothing more than “having a conversation” with someone only they aren’t sitting in front of you nodding their head and agreeing with you – but it is the same thing.  What you just told me was amazing, insightful, relevant, helpful, exciting, and valuable to me – and it would be to a lot of others as well.  That is all blogging is, a conversation with many vs. one-on-one.”

I said if you can write down what you just said (or go buy Dragon Naturally Speaking that does voice to text) you could be a very powerful blogger.  Now he understood.  Social Media and blogging is not rocket science.  But it does require the person to have a STRATEGY, THEME, and CONTENT MAP to be successful from all of my experience.  Without these, it is likely you will be one of the 65% of the bloggers that quits within the first 6 months of starting to blog.  Don’t let that happen to you – get the right strategy and pieces in place and just start talking…you too can be an awesome blogger.

Blaine Millet

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About the Author

Blaine is an author, speaker, and President of WOM10. He is a thought leader in the area of Customer Obsession and generating massive Word-of-Mouth for organizations. He has a laser focus on helping companies become "REMARK"able where their customers do their marketing for them.

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