The REMARKable Triangle 

The way organizations go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ and become THE ONLY ONE customers want to buy from and tell others about is by implementing the THREE CORNERSTONES of The "REMARK"able Triangle™. It is what allows you to create true and lasting differentiation in the eyes of your customers.

When an organization is focused and purposeful about executing each of the three Cornerstones, it changes their company's DNA and is what allows them to create a CUSTOMER OBSESSED CULTURE. When all three cornerstones are working together, it is a symphony of delight that causes your customers (and employees) to feel incredibly special, important, and valued. And when customers (and employees) feel this way, they TELL OTHERS you are THE ONLY ONE they should buy from...the ultimate goal of going BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™.

Trust is the Most Critical Cornerstone

Trust is the key cornerstone to the Remarkable Triangle by WOM10

TRUST is the most critical Cornerstone for an organization to go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™. When an organization is purposeful about building a foundation of Trust with their audience, they have opened the door to creating and army of Advocates and Marketing Agents™...which is the most coveted prize for any organization.

Keep in mind...no one on the planet will ever advocate for you if they don't trust you, your company, or your employees.

Trust is purposefully built by using our Advocacy Architecture™ and is the most important cornerstone to helping you become THE ONLY ONE your customers want to buy from and tell others about...it is absolutely critical and essential if you want to go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™.

Everything Starts With an Experience

WOW CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES are essential for any organization to go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ and become "REMARK"able™. Companies who's customers tell others they are THE ONLY ONE to buy from always have incredibly awesome and amazing Customer Experiences. Experiences that leave the customer feeling special, important, and highly valued is why this is a lifeblood Cornerstone.  It is impossible to go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ without giving your customers a WOW EXPERIENCE.

When a company delivers a totally awesome experience, customers reward them with highly coveted loyalty, referrals, and word-of-mouth.

Creating and delivering this "top shelf" level of Customer Experiences doesn't just happen. They have to be designed, built, consistently executed, and measured to achieve this enviable position.

Consistently Helping Shows That You Truly Care

CONSISTENTLY HELPING your audience (customers and others) is an often overlooked Cornerstone. Yet is the one that demonstrates why you truly care about your audience...because you care about helping them improve their life and/or their business. Organizations who go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ demonstrate this as part of "who they are" and "what they do" on a daily basis

It is the one Cornerstone that gives your audience "content" that they can freely share with others and show them how your are THE ONLY ONE they should buy from.

Demonstrating how much you care about improving the lives or business (without selling them) creates strong differentiation, referrals, and word-of-mouth. It is another necessary component for showing your audience just how special and important they are to you and your company

The End Result...Creating ADVOCATES

ADVOCATES AND MARKETING AGENTS™ are created when all three cornerstones are in place and working together. You have successfully gone BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ and become "REMARK"able™! It is now clear to your audience you are THE ONLY ONE they should be working with/buying from and telling others about. You have stopped being viewed as a COMMODITY and have gone beyond products/services to prove  you are TRULY DIFFERENTIATED.

You have put your customers and employees at the center of your business and created a CUSTOMER OBSESSED CULTURE™

Do the math...when one advocate tells their audience (average of 1000) how awesome you are, they have just marketed you (at zero cost) to their entire audience. If only 1% of that audience do the same to their audiences, you have just been marketed to 10,000 people...at zero cost to you!! Why would you not want this to happen for your organization? This is just one of the many benefits of going BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™!

Putting it All Together...you have now gone BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ and becomeREMARKable

When all three CORNERSTONES are being executed by your employees, your audience sees you as THE ONLY ONE to buy from and is proactively telling others to buy from you. You have reached the enviable position of being the leader in your market because you have a CUSTOMER OBSESSED CULTUREand have gone BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ to become "REMARK"able™.  You now have an "army" of Advocates and Marketing Agents™ mobilized spreading massive word-of-mouth that you are THE ONLY ONE to buy from...at zero cost...FREE MARKETING! 

If your desire is to go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ and become "REMARK"able™, there is a RECIPE for how to get there. We're happy to share it with you if you are ready to GET STARTED!