
Why Blog?

 January 21, 2012

By  Blaine Millet

There are very few meetings I have where I don’t get asked this question when we start to talk about Social Media and developing a Word-of-Mouth Strategy.  And I really appreciate people asking rather than just formulating their own ideas of why they should or shouldn’t.  I was just asked this again yesterday so it motivated me to share some thoughts on the topic…

If you have hung around me much or read my blog/site you probably realize by now that I view blogging as the center piece of Social Media.  But rather than dive into the myriad of reasons why this is a good idea (lots of topics for future blog posts on blogging), let me just share an example that might bring it all home for you.

Picture yourself at a cocktail party or some other gathering where you know some of the people but not all of them and you strike up a conversation.  The mood is fun and relaxed and people are talking about lots of topics.  One of your friends spots someone you don’t know and says, “I would like to introduce you to Sally,” and they motion for her to come over.  After some small talk about how they know her, they say, “This is my friend Bob and I thought you two should meet since I think it would be helpful for the two of you to know each other based on what each of you do.”  Then Sally says, “That’s great, thanks for the introduction, Bob tell me more about what you do?”  The time has come…

Let me give you the two scenarios.  First scenario is you start spouting off “feature, function, and benefit” about your business – you are essentially trying to remember all the things your marketing department wrote in your latest brochure, thinking this would adequately answer the question.  At this point you see Sally’s eyes wandering the room looking for anyone else she wants to talk to and is thinking of a great excuse to leave this conversation and get away from you.  Even the bad bean dip is starting to look more attractive at this point.

In the second scenario, you say, I am the CEO of XYZ company.  But that is just my official title.  If you don’t mind, I would love to share a little story with you that that might help you better understand my passion and real role in the company.  Now you proceed to tell her more about the “why” than the “what or how” and share your emotional connection to your role.  If you truly share this as a story, such as, “My passion actually started 5 years ago when something happened that changed my life…” you not only have her attention, she is begging to hear more and more.  Her eyes aren’t wandering, in fact they are piercing through your skull as you share your passion and emotion about why you are doing what you do.  Usually at this point, others are stopping by to listen in on the story as well…

Scenario One – traditional marketing and communication.  Scenario Two – blogging.

Put yourself in your prospect and customers shoes for just a minute.  Which scenario differentiates you more?  Which scenario is something you would feel like sharing with others back at the office?  Which scenario creates a connection to the person?  Which scenario caused you to skip the bad bean dip at the party?  Yesterday you didn’t have a choice, today you do…

Blaine Millet

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About the Author

Blaine is an author, speaker, and President of WOM10. He is a thought leader in the area of Customer Obsession and generating massive Word-of-Mouth for organizations. He has a laser focus on helping companies become "REMARK"able where their customers do their marketing for them.

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