
Thinking “Long-Tail” is even more critical in “Quick Results” World

 June 19, 2014

By  Blaine Millet

“Image courtesy of Cooldesign/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net”
“Image courtesy of Cooldesign/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net”

We all want it FAST…in fact, we all want it yesterday. The internet has given us this ability. We can now find whatever we want FAST.

We get product/service information FAST

We get news and updates FAST

We get stocks, sports, entertainment information FAST

We can order from take-out and get it FAST

We live in a world that thrives on getting things to you FAST. But does FAST have a “long-tail” that will help you grow your business beyond the “flash” of excitement? This is where companies fall short.

FAST = SHORT-TAIL (translation…while we can give and get things fast, they don’t stay in our memory or cause us to take more thoughtful actions, such as sharing, discussing, commenting, or engaging). In other words, if you want to play in the FAST world, you have lots of short-term interactions and relationships.

FAST ? WORD-of-MOUTH (translation…if someone doesn’t tell someone else about you “immediately” upon that FAST experience, they won’t tell them later…the word-of-mouth is lost). Word-of-Mouth that builds relationships people trust doesn’t happen FAST…it happens steadily and consistently over time.

Conclusion…if you want to develop an incredible Word-of-Mouth marketing machine and have your customers and audience do the selling for you so you can build your reputation for many years to come…FAST won’t get you there. Long-term rewards aren’t generated from “Quick Results” today.

As business leaders, we get to choose where we go…chase short-term shiny objects and stay on the hamster wheel coming up with new FAST OR invest in the relationships of our audience members where they will talk about us and spread Word-of-Mouth for years to come.

Blaine Millet

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About the Author

Blaine is an author, speaker, and President of WOM10. He is a thought leader in the area of Customer Obsession and generating massive Word-of-Mouth for organizations. He has a laser focus on helping companies become "REMARK"able where their customers do their marketing for them.

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