

It starts with Education...a Chat or Meeting

We always start with understanding WHY you want to become THE ONLY ONE and “REMARK ”able™. This usually happens with a chat over the phone or a meeting. This gives us the opportunity to meet each other and learn more about your desires. Everything starts with this conversation.

And just so you know, telling me you want to become THE ONLY ONE and “REMARK ”able™ without a strong passion and WHY doesn't work...never does. Since there are so many awesome rewards associated with this transition, it also means there will be some heavy lifting along the way. If you don't have a strong WHY it is easy to abort and go back to doing what you are doing. Our first conversation will help us both decide if this is for you and if we should continue to move forward.

Then we speak with your Leaders

Now that we have agreed you have a solid WHY for becoming THE ONLY ONE and “REMARK”able™, now we need to meet with your Leadership Team and see if they are on board. 

It is critical that the top leaders of your company hear the message of what it would be like to become THE ONLY ONE and “REMARK”able™. It is also important for them to understand what it means to go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION early in the process so they can learn more about what it will take to transform your organization. This initially happens through a speech/presentation to your Leadership Team. It is also an excellent way to get some initial questions on the table and out of the way.

What do your Customers have to say

It is always great to know what your customers have to say about where you are today...putting the stake in the ground so to speak.

They can tell us exactly what they like and don't like...and specifically how you make them "feel" when they interact with you today. It is important to know where we are starting from since we know everything will improve significantly over time. It is also a great opportunity to let them know more about your upcoming journey to become THE ONLY ONE and “REMARK”able™. They love hearing about this since they will be the primary beneficiary of this process going forward.

Sharing the Excitement with your Employees

A critically important step on the journey is to share the excitement of our new journey with your employees. Our goal is to help the understand what this entails and allow them to ask questions.

When employees better understand how much better this will make the organization, and in turn, their individual roles, they are much more excited to see the journey begin. While this will involve change, which most employees don't enjoy, they also see how much better the company will be and how their positions will be more enjoyable and more stable. 

Next we create the Strategy

Now that your Leadership Team is on board, it's time to define exactly what this Journey to becoming “REMARK”able™ and Customer Obsessed will actually look like. 

We conduct a Strategy Session(s) to flush out your WHY in more detail and begin to build the plans for how this is going to happen inside your company. We will talk about Roles and Responsibilities, SMART Goals, Actions, and Timelines. This is where the rubber really starts to meet the road.

The Journey to becoming “REMARK ”able™ Begins

The planning has been it's time to execute. 

Every Strategy is different, yet similar. Remember, we have just created a "custom suit" for you and your organization that will be yours and yours alone. While the process of getting where you want is consistent, the Journey is all yours. You will own it and the ongoing results will be your own fingerprint in the will be your unique way to become THE ONLY ONE and “REMARK”able™. 

And in the end, you and you alone will be THE ONLY ONE company in your customers (and others) eyes. You will now have an army of Advocates and Marketing Agents™ out there telling others you are THE ONLY ONE to work with in your industry. When these are all working together, you get talked about...a lot...because you've gone BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION and become “REMARK”able™.

Ready to Take the First Step?

In one hour you can learn what it takes to start your own JOURNEY toward becoming THE ONLY ONE and “REMARK”able™ in the eyes of your customers and how going BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION will help you become the unquestionable leader in your industry.