
How “Content Marketing” can lead to “Word-of-Mouth”

 November 10, 2014

By  Blaine Millet

Content Marketing Word 3D Collage Digital Business CommunicationYou are at a gathering and see a group of people talking and decide to join them. You walk up, introduce yourself, and since you are new to the group, they ask you to tell them more about you and what you do. As you jump into your “elevator pitch” or “features” description about your role in your company, you begin to dump as much as you can on them in hopes they will hear something they like and want to engage with you about it in more detail.

But just as soon as you finish your “presentation” to them, you turn around and walk away from the group. After all, they heard all your good stuff and they have your business card, what more do they need to go out and tell all their associates and leaders they should work with you?

I know…sounds a bit ludicrous doesn’t it…but it is reality in the digital world of communication…specifically social media. Companies have become very good and proficient at telling you how great they are, how much they can do for you, why you need them, how to work with them, and that you should tell all your friends…and then they leave.

And they wonder why you aren’t talking about them…why you aren’t telling all your connections and followers, and friends about them. What’s wrong with you…I have given you more than you ever wanted to know so you should be out there telling everyone else about me…I have given you TONS OF CONTENT…what’s your problem? In the world where “Content is King” what more could you want to go out and tell everyone about me…

Content Marketing, or whatever name you want to call it, doesn’t solve the problem of building word-of-mouth by itself. Great content needs insights, interaction, and engagement by the audience to know how to use the content, ask questions, challenge it, and even improve upon it. This is what gets shared. This is what gets talked about. This is what creates Word-of-Mouth. This is what most companies miss when it comes to Content.

We have become so busy and so inundated by information and data that we forgot about the core premise behind word-of-mouth…a conversation. Before the internet, when word-of-mouth was done one-on-one with people you know and trust, was it a one-way conversation? It was an event…something people looked forward to…something people enjoyed experiencing with one another. That hasn’t changed…even in a one-to-many digital world…people still thrive on the interaction and engagement before they ever spread the word about you and what you do.

Do yourself and your company a favor…go back in time. Create a strategy to use digital as if it was designed to create one-on-one conversations with people…engaging them in a conversation…caring about what they are struggling with and where they need help. Then design your digital communication to deliver this and interact with your audience…they will not only appreciate it, they will reward you with their coveted and valuable Word-of-Mouth.

Blaine Millet

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About the Author

Blaine is an author, speaker, and President of WOM10. He is a thought leader in the area of Customer Obsession and generating massive Word-of-Mouth for organizations. He has a laser focus on helping companies become "REMARK"able where their customers do their marketing for them.

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