
We HEAR it…we SEE it…we WANT it…then why Don’t we DO it?

 November 11, 2014

By  Blaine Millet

Happy Business People - 3000 x 700There are tons of statistics floating around today about how much time your visitors spend on your websites and associated sites (such as a blog). Whether you agree with them or not, the important part is the trend they are creating. Here are a few…

  • Current attention span for an adult is 7 seconds
  • Average time on poorly designed websites maxes out at 90 seconds before user is gone
  • Over age of 55, 57% of you will leave quickly
  • Under age of 24, 75% are gone quickly
  • Only 14% today believe the content of your advertisements today

While this list could go on and on, it’s important to realize one key component that HAS NOT CHANGED…when you offer your visitor/customer/prospect an incredible CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE. In a post by Target Marketing, “Ain’t Nobody Got Time for that: Most Frustrating Websites,” they specifically called this out when they said…

“But just what is a marketer to do in these dark days of only having 90 seconds before a user runs off in a huff? You’ve heard it before, but creating a valuable customer experiences (CX) is absolutely critical—and a website is one of the most important links of that chain.”

I couldn’t agree more…and even though I have been talking about how valuable Customer Experiences are for companies since we wrote our book over 10 years ago, it still hasn’t become the core driver for most businesses. We all see great experiences and envy companies that deliver great experiences, yet when it comes to our company, there is a disconnect between understanding its importance and making it the heart of our company. I find this fascinating and see a tremendous “green field” of opportunity for those who are able to bridge this connection and make the change to being “all about the customer.”

And just to add gasoline to the fire, the digital world has accelerated this issue beyond our wildest expectations. No longer is it a “bricks and mortar” issue…it is a digital issue. If you aren’t providing an incredible, WOW, totally awesome customer experience today in the digital world, you are now missing a huge opportunity to interact and capture the attention of your customers and prospects. Maybe today is the day when you say, “It’s time to change our company into an ‘experiential company’ and compete on an entirely different level.” I hope so…then you can actually say you DO IT!!

Blaine Millet

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About the Author

Blaine is an author, speaker, and President of WOM10. He is a thought leader in the area of Customer Obsession and generating massive Word-of-Mouth for organizations. He has a laser focus on helping companies become "REMARK"able where their customers do their marketing for them.

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