WELCOME…You just stumbled onto something that has the potential to improve your business more than you can imagine! There’s a reason you clicked to get here. We hope it’s because you are tired of being “like your competitors” and want to BE UNIQUE. If so…you’re in the right place.

There are NO TRAFFIC JAMS on the EXTRA MILE — Zig Ziglar

We DON’T believe in being GREAT…Great is a COMMODITY in today’s New Economy. Everyone is great today…being great is a very crowded space.

We DO believe in being REMARKABLE…Remarkable is the opportunity for the few that don’t want to be in the crowded traffic jam of competition…they want to be a leader in their industry.

Our NxtCEO Councils help Business Leaders achieve REMARKABLE!

Almost every successful company recognizes that it is in the customer-experience business — McKinsey

Companies that change from being “Product/Service Centric” to “Customer/Client Obsessed” will be the winners. This creates the “long tail” of success for any company in any industry…it destroys commoditization! This has now become MISSION CRITICAL for the SURVIVAL for virtually any business. No longer is it a “nice to have”…it is a “MUST HAVE.”

To be a REMARKABLE company today, with a “long tail” of success, you have to OBSESS OVER YOUR CUSTOMERS. The best companies in the world have been and continue to obsess over their customers and have built their businesses on this foundation…such as Disney, Zappos, Amazon, Emirates Air, Nordstrom, and many others. OUr Council is designed to help you build a Customer Obsessed business that is Remarkable in the eyes of your customer…in the SMB (Small Mid-market Business) segment of the market, no the Fortune 500.

We don’t need to SCARE you about the Tsunami coming your way that threatens every business in the next few years…McKinsey, Forrester, Gartner, Accenture, Harvard Business Review, and others have done it for us. This isn’t about FEAR…this is about an incredible OPPORTUNITY to…

  • Completely Differentiate
  • Lead your Industry
  • Increase Profitability
  • Drive more Word-of-Mouth
  • Get Customers Marketing  for you
  • Create a Culture Employees Love

If you want to be a GREAT company…don’t join our Council…it will be a waste of time and money.  There are a myriad of other well-known peer groups that do an excellent job of helping you be great. We only want members who are passionate about building a REMARKABLE company.

If this is you…we need to talk further. Give us your information and we’ll set up a time to talk further…then we can decide if our NxtCEO COUNCIL is right for you and your company. If you’ve already decided this is right for you and want more specific details…go HERE. We still need to talk to you…but you will better understand the commitment we require.